This service is for people who need long term care because of a disability, long term condition or following hospital treatment. Complex care is a unique service. To deliver complex care Rainbow staff work closely with District Nurses, Continuing Health Care Co-ordinators, Discharge Liaison Nurses and other Specialist Nurses and therapists.
Increasingly, we are providing care packages to people who have had strokes, brain injuries, have dementia or have multiple sclerosis. We have ensured our staff receive the correct training to deal with the unique requirements of each person, this is often over and above their basic training.
Rainbow Medical Services provides comprehensive 24-hour around the clock health and social care services to vulnerable children and adults.
Our Service Users and Clients include individuals with physical disabilities; learning disabilities and mental health needs.
Our complex and continuing health care services include:
- Spinal injury
- Head and brain injury
- Respiratory conditions
- Neurological conditions
- Serious trauma
- Acquired injury (cardiac events; amputations)
- Intermediate respite and rehabilitation healthcare
- Home care and re-enabling services
- Palliative and supportive care
- End of life care
Each care package is determined following a comprehensive assessment. This is carried out by a registered nurse with the client needing support. The client’s family or carer can also be involved. A care plan is agreed that reflects how activities of daily living will be supported by our staff and what outcomes the be achieved. Once this is agreed a group of staff are identified who are ideally suited to work with the client and their family/ carer. It is common for the patient and their family/carer to be involved in picking the team. This ensures that staff are well matched in both skills and personality.
Each package is reviewed, firstly during the first few weeks and then less frequently. This ensures that the care plan truly reflects the needs of the patient and provides an opportunity to adapt our approach as necessary. In the event that there is a change in the patient’s health or their situation, RMS will trigger a formal review with the funders of the service to ensure the package of care continues to meet their needs.
The majority of clients are funded via the NHS National Framework for Continuing Care but this is not the case for all clients.